I recently decided to create a blog of my own (finally) to share my love of quality fashion and decor. For those who don't know me or hardly know me I decided to begin my blog with a post about who I am. My name is Anne Culbertson, most people call me by my nickname since birth "Annie". I was raised in a family of six that included my mother and father, whom I give credit to for everything I know, and my three big sisters. Lets not forget my brother and my childhood best friend who recently passed, Tucket, an 85 pound (usually wet and sandy) golden retriever. In the Culbertson household we were taught family and Jesus Christ are the most important things in the world. We were (and still are) held to very high standards of morals and class.
My Sisters and I- in front of the White Elephant circa 2005 |
Two of my sisters and I still repping the Lilly- 2014 |
I am extremely blessed to have been able to have spent every summer of my life on the beautiful island of Nantucket, my favorite place in the world. Nantucket is soaked in fashion and old-world style that I am completely and totally in love with. The island has definitely played a role in my taste in clothing. Over the years I have looked up to my mother for her classic sense of style. I have been wearing Lilly since I was practically in her womb. My sisters and I were very well dressed children to say the least. Lilly still consumes a large portion of my wardrobe. Some of my other favorite designers/stores include J. Crew, Kate Spade, Vineyard Vines, Jack Wills, Anthropology, and small brand names you can only find online or at my favorite little boutiques.

Speaking of favorites I might as well just drop a list- I am completely and totally in love with floral gardens (especially ones with hydrangeas and roses!), my favorite food has to be macarons because well A. the are just the cutest things ever and you can actually "eat them up" and B. because they are simply delicious!, my favorite thing to do is be near (or in) a body of water - I grew up on my dads boats and joined my high schools rowing team this past year, my favorite animal is an elephant, always has been, but that is only because I don't count golden retrievers as animals! Last but not least my favorite quote, which is printed above my desk, comes from my ultimate role model: "For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." -Audrey Hepburn.

To wrap things up I will be using
navy knot blue to begin pursuing the thing that I love and I am super excited about it. You can follow my
instagram and
Twitter (linked on the words) to get updates and view more pictures.